Sunday, March 23, 2008

Secrets to Attract Money

How to use the law of attraction and The Secret to attract your desires? Most people want to attract money, because it is the logical way to get your material dreams come true. Then you can attract love, happiness, success, freedom using the same Law of Attraction. According to Joe Vitale, author of the Key, the Attractor Factor, there a 7 secrets to attract money.

So here they are:

Give money away. The more you give, the more you receive.

Get clear. Reading The Key is a good starting point.

Take action. You will have to do something!

Support a cause. A charity, a place, or someone you like to support.

Get support. Maybe getting a coach.

Be grateful. Thank regularly God or the Universe for what you have.

Do what you love. This is one great secret to attract wealth.

If you want to read more about these concepts,
go to

Peace, Happiness, Freedom, Success!

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