Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to Be Happy

How to be happy? Being thankful for what we have is a good start. 
How many of us, at our computer, realize that we have healthy drinking water , right out of the faucet?

“Thank you. I am happy and content. I am a beautiful and precious human
being. I am part of a delightful, outstanding family. I have good, courageous, and
caring friends. I have a home to live in, a bed to  sleep in, blankets to keep me
warm, running water, electricity, heat and air conditioning, and I live in a town
that is friendly and peaceful. I am surrounded by abundance. There is abundance
in every avenue of my life. I am so incredibly blessed. Thank you, God, for
allowing me to finally see the joy that has always been in my life.”
“I am healthy. I am happy. I am whole.”

We need to realize the abundance that we already have, and focus on it. Then appreciate it. Then we know that we don't take anything for granted. Next, our mind is positive, energized, and ready to create. 
Blessings to You!

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