Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Today, let's talk about Awareness, Possibiliites,and the Actions to take...
In each moment you live, you can choose between seeing the world with wonder and love, or seeing the world with fear and negativity. Either option you choose will nourish the way you see your reality, knowing that you create your reality at each instant. That is why it is so important to be aware of the lies you believe of your limitation, aware of the present moment, and aware of your greatness.
In short your life is made of possibilities; you are the one creating your life, first in your mind and heart, then in your reality. In each instant, You decide which outcome you take and make as true.
So focus on what you want, take a step, even if it is a very small step forward, each day, and you will manifest your reality.
*But don't take my word for it! Try it for yourself! Experiment!
in Love and Light,

Emrick, your guide to happiness

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