Sunday, December 28, 2008

Visualization Tips: How to Attract Things Faster

Visualization Tips and How to attract thing you want faster. Here are some tips on how to do that. The first thing is to be in a state of GRATITUDE, as you are waking up to a new day. Look at your bedroom, and start to give thanks to God (or Universe, Source , Creator, ...). Then look at yourself: are you generally healthy? Can you walk? Do you have your hands? Do you have your senses working generally well? Do you live in a nice home? appartment? neighborhood? Do you have a nice family? Give thanks for anything you have in your favor. Then CLEAR your MIND. I you have anything that keeps you from feeling free in your mind, in the "flow", just anything. it could be a concern, a headache, bills to pay, then just imagine you throw up all these limiting/toxic/low energy thoughts and then throwing out all these thoughts in the toilet, or out the window. Then Thank again God/Universe for feeling better. Then go into a VISUALIZATION -meditation moment. There are audio CD's to do that. For example, you can get a program
here: Discover the Secrets of Being Unstoppable
Think of something you want to create. You can visualize this one goal you want to create
everyday for one month. try to find a bigger goal for the next 3 weeks or the month to come, (includes some lesser goals)
then LET IT GO!
It usually takes 21 days to re-program or program your mind.
Your goal must be ALIGNED with what You Really Love Doing. PASSION is the key.
The things you love the most are the easier to manifest.
Things you love to have; sports-cars, electric guitars, yachts, anything.
Imagine using these objects. Use your five senses when you visualize. and what do you feel emotion-wise. I heard that if you don't feel anymore, you need to train yourself to feel by watching dramas. About visualization: Let's take an example you want a Mercedes; go to a dealership, stare at the car for like an

You do not need to visualize in color...
Minimum length of time to visualization: 10 min.
Be consistant.
Stay happy.

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