Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How to Be an Expert in 7 Steps STEP 1


Someone recently asked me how to become an expert.
These are my suggestions:

1. CHOOSE your area of knowledge ,

Something you are passionate about. What is your passion? what you always talk about! 

Then study your Area of Knowledge.
Read books about it, read articles,
read what others are saying, blogs, articles, listen to the experts.

Go to events where you have a chance to listen to experts, or mix with others who are in your field of knowledge. Be open to others; sometimes they will offer or recommend you to other sources, other people, etc. to finish your project. 

Sometimes when I listen to an expert in webinars, trainings, seminars, who will mention some book titles.  I write the title carefully and then check it out. Sometimes this is going to be the book I was looking for for my project.  

Be aware of that: We become an expert more by listening than by speaking, and by giving undivided attention to the other experts; they may have something  you don’t have, a technique you may use, an approacch you have not thought about. etc.

Choose your sources carefully. (You know,  the information over load?)
Some books are just platitudes and a waste of time to read and to finish; be aware of it.

When I read a book and see that it is just beating around the bushes all over, I jump to the next chapter or jump around the chapters and evaluate if it worth reading. 

I have noticed that for me it is a game to become an expert; I just play detective, observe quietly, follow a path, but always with a playful approach. I play the game of the Expert. 

Also, I ask question to the Universe; like “What do I need to do now to finish my research, my project? What is the next step?”

There is more coming SOON! 

So here it is ! This is how to become an Expert IN  7 STEPS. I know there is much more to it, but you got the idea!
So now go ahead and learn, be curious, be passionate, read about the great ones,
and from the great ones, listen to them live or on videos,
and be critical of your sources, authors, speakers, in the sense of making a difference between the ones full of hot air,
and the one full of knowledge and wisdom.

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