Sunday, June 15, 2008

Well-Being Healing Act-of-Kindness

Beside the power of smiling, which gives you an automatic condition to feel good, there is a powerful thing called Act-of-Kindness.
NB: I remind you that when you give (or help) to someone, give also with a smile or a kind look to his/her eyes, and a silent blessing attached to your gift. a simple "I love you, man" or "You're not alone" or "I wish you all the best"; and when you give a donation on the spot at a store or by mail, think "I feel so blessed I can give; that means a lot to me. I am helping; I am doing something useful for Humanity." [or similar thoughts]
Analysis of an Act-of-Kindness.
Reported by Dr. Wayne Dyer, author and speaker, scientists have found that when you give and Act-of-Kindness, seratonin , a neuro-transmitter in the brain, an enzyme, level increase. Seratonin is an enzyme that gives you this "feeling well" and boosts your immune system. It affects the giver, the receiver of the Act-of-Kindness and all he ones who are witnessing the Act of Kindness. Even the depressed people are feeling better and don't need antidepressants anymore if they witness an Act of Kindness. That is one reason (there are others) why it is so important for you to give and help others. Give, feel better, and be healthy!

Peace, Well-being, Happiness to you

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