Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Life with Passion

Betty Smith, novelist, said, "Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory." This is something to meditate about. If you want to live with a capital L, look, but don't see, smell, listen just don't hear, touch , taste everything that is around you. Discover the world as if you are a child, as if you are to die in a month, spread love around you. Smile when you drive and pick up the phone, live with passion. Think that everyone is driven with love for someone special to them . See the world as a blessing, thank God , the Universe each time you see a beautiful thing or event. Thank God, the Universe for what and who you have around you. Appreciate your life, which a blessing full of infinite possibilities. Live with passion, with all your heart, and all your senses. Be in a state of awareness at all times.

Peace and Happiness to You!

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