Friday, November 28, 2008

Thank You for the Sun

(on Twinkle Twinkle)
Thank you for the sun that shines, THank you for the birds that sing
Thank you for the food I eat, Thank you for the bed I sleep.
I am thankful for my great life,
my sweet wife, my great friends,
my cute little house, my reliable car,
my loving dog, my friends' children who run to me to hug me.(We don't have kids...but they know...) and lately, for the delicious Thanksgiving dinner, in company of 2 friends from Pakistan, who blessed the dinner in Arabic, who brought us a beautiful handmade shawl made in Pakistan, and even though we were only 4 around dinner, there was enough Love for 20 people. I know that God brought us together (God/Universe). May the spirit of Peace touch all the ones who are reading this. I am also thankful for seeing hope in my starting e-business. I know that as I give as much as I can in my business and life, is the real secret for abundance.
Love, Peace, Abundance to You!

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